Sunday, April 11, 2010

Process + Design

Process + Design is a study that documents the length of a theoretical design project from initial sketch to published drawings. The catalyst for production is a study of downtown Knoxville: observations of the needs for verbal and visual communication, information display, landmarks for wayfinding, bus routes, and urban furniture. These functions, when laid over areas of cultural attraction, political significance, and public parks define points within the city which are appropriate for some kind of multi-functional “hub.” Ideas of overlap, transparency, and transit influence a physical form to wrap the different functions into into a single unit. Our solution allows the user to dial a central telephone, connect to wi-fi, catch a bus, rest on the bench, or gain shelter from the wind, rain, and sun.


JFG 203 / Studio Apartment Furniture / August 2009

This 400 square-foot studio apartment needed to reclaim for storage the floorspace under the bed. The bed platform and bench are framed out of 19/32" OSB and 2” x 4” studs. The OSB table in the foreground was drawn through as an exercise to minimize waste, plan the table saw fence adjustments to ensure alignments, and utilize glued dado connections. This installation's budget was $100, and the time to purchase, rip, and assemble material took three weekends with one set of hands.